Sunday, April 6, 2014

Flat Stanley in Oyster Bay

To Mrs. Gutteridge and the students at Kore Academy (especially Meredith!):

Thank you for allowing us to participate in your Flat Stanley project. Stanley visited Locust Valley Middle School. You'll see that he visited the school library.

He also posed in a VERY STINKY locker of an 8th grade boy, Park Farren.

We live in Lattingtown, New York. It is a village of Oyster Bay. Our town is on the north shore of Long Island and is 30 miles east of New York City. We visit NYC a few times per year.

Many movies are filmed in our town. Have you heard of the the movie, "Noah," to be released soon? Well, the production crew built the HUGE ark for the movie right here in our town! The ark used for the movie is 170 feet long and 85 feet high!

We wish Flat Stanley safe travels. He's heading to Georgia now.

The Farren Family

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