Monday, April 28, 2014

Happy Easter from Georgia

We were so excited to have Meredith’s Flat Stanley visit us in Warner Robins, GA.   Warner Robins is in the middle of the state, 90 miles south of the capital city, Atlanta.  The largest business in Warner Robins is Robins Air Force Base.

Right next to the base is the Museum of Aviation.  It is a really interesting place to visit and there is a display outside of airplanes that are no longer in use.  Flat Stanley and I had a good visit to the museum.  If you’ll look really closely in the pictures you’ll see Flat Stanley standing in the bushes.

Georgia is known as the Peach State.  Many peaches are grown in our area.  In early spring the peach trees that have been bare during the winter are covered with beautiful pink blossoms.  Then the green leaves begin to grow and the blossoms seem to disappear but those flowers are the beginning of the wonderful peaches.  First the peaches are very tiny, hard and green.  They grow and begin to turn beautiful shades of orange and red.  There are many varieties of peaches.  I have included a list of the ones you can buy at Lane Packing Company.

 The early peaches have a CS after their name.

That means that the peach clings (sticks) to the stone (seed.)  The later ones  that have an FS after their name are called freestone and that means that the peach does not stick to the stone (seed).  You’ll notice that a few are SF which means semi-freestone.

 Flat Stanley and I went to Lane Packing Company one of the largest peach companies in our area. You will notice on the sign they also sell pecans but they sell other local produce as well.  Flat Stanley and I shared a delicious cup of fresh peach ice cream.  I will have to admit I ate most of it!  Then we took a couple of pictures of us having a bushel of fun!

It was Easter season while Flat Stanley was here.  He decided to hide with the bunnies in my Easter tree.  Think the bunnies really liked having a boy visit them!

I am sending Flat Stanley on his way to other wonderful adventures!  We hope Flat Stanley will tell Meredith he had a good time and she and her family should visit us in Georgia.

Bud and Pauline Abbott
Warner Robins, GA

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