Sunday, November 17, 2013

Flat Stanley Goes to Washington

Hi, Mrs. Gutteridge & class! This is Ty's Flat Stanley reporting from Washington. No, I'm not in Washington, DC. I'm in Washington State which is on the west coast of the United States. I visited Tacoma and Ty's brother took me sightseeing. Did you know it rains a lot in Washington? It was a bit drizzly, but we had fun. Alex took me to Puget Sound and we saw a huge Navy ship at the docks.

We took a ride across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, the fifth longest suspension bridge in the United States.

Are we there yet? Not yet.

Alex also showed me a traffic circle. Traffic circles are used in an intersection instead of stop signs. They are really cool because you don't have to stop and wait for someone another car to cross in front of you. Everyone just uses the circle to get where they want to go. 

Tacoma was great! I can't wait to visit again, but now I'm off to Los Angeles to visit Ty's Aunt Susie. Bye for now!

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